Farewell to Winter

AirbikeBike Crossess
Winter is almost over. In fact spring will officially start tomorrow and it’s the last winter day today. Not many people seems to regret much. I do! This one wasn’t bad at all. It was at least two snowy months with lots of sunny days. To give the winter warm farewell I’ve published some winter photos.
For most of (non-Russian) people Russian winter is something frightening. Recalling my Australian colleague and friend who spent this winter in Moscow

The strongest words about winter we have in my language is freezing cold. How to qualify the climate when it -15C?!!

However, while water and even beer may freeze in Moscow, vodka and life freeze never.
There are photos of snowbikers and jumpers and of the cyclocross on the banks of Moscow River. Here is my own photo taken when I am leaving my Moscow office.
At the last cold day I also managed to take photos of window frost. This was the easiest one since I don’t have to leave my apartment 🙂
Have fun and stay tuned!

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