In XIX century Orthodox monk Filofej from city of Pskov equaled Moscow to the Third Rome. “First and second Rome fell; now Moscow is the Third and the last Rome”. I been moving backwards in time. I was (luckily:) born in the third Rome, last November managed to visit the second Rome aka Constantinople aka Istanbul, while the Rome Rome is still on my short list of places to visit. Here I publish selected photos from the three days trip along with my recommendations.
Для тех кто оказался в Стамбуле: обязательная программа
Top 13 things to do for those visiting Istanbul
1. прокатиться по Босфору от Средиземного до Черного моря на теплоходе. можно с туристами, но намного интереснее – на рейсовом
ride passenger ferry along Bosporus
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